Jim Comey - America's Dirtiest Cop - Is At It Again

Joe diGenova
December 18, 2018


James Comey is at it again — the dirtiest cop in America is desperate to defend his rotten reputation and conceal the Democrat plot to undermine President Trump.

Last week, lawmakers extensively questioned Comey about the political bias within the FBI and the bureau’s integrity. As was the case in his previous testimonies, Comey did not feel a “higher loyalty” to tell the truth, or even to answer most of the questions he was asked.

Instead of addressing the concerns of the American people, Comey merely parroted his previous talking points and repeatedly told Congress that he either doesn’t know or can’t remember important details about his prior conduct.

“On 245 occasions, former FBI Director James Comey told House investigators he didn’t know, didn’t recall, or couldn’t remember things when asked,” President Trump tweeted after the testimony. “[Comey] opened investigations on 4 Americans (not 2) – didn’t know who signed off and didn’t know Christopher Steele. All lies!”

President Trump is right — Comey must have just committed perjury. The former FBI director did everything he could to avoid answering key questions about his own conduct and the politicization of the bureau — a disgraceful tactic that he adopted as soon as he learned about a possible subpoena last month.

“House Republicans can ask me anything they want but I want the American people to watch, so let’s have a public hearing,” he tweeted at the time. “Truth is best served by transparency.  Let me know when is convenient.”

Comey, however, knew that a public hearing would have sheltered him from a barrage of detailed questions because they would have included references to classified information that can’t be addressed publicly — a far-cry from the “ask me anything” demeanor he tried to project in public. Comey’s assertion that truth is best served by transparency is correct — it’s just a pity that he couldn’t stay loyal to his own convictions during last week’s hearing.

What is even more disgraceful, however, is the extraordinary double-standard within the FBI. If you compare the ongoing Russia probe to the toothless investigation of Hillary Clinton, the politicization of the bureau quickly becomes self-evident.

While the FBI is busy digging through President Trump’s taxes and investigating his former campaign associates over matters completely unrelated to the Russia probe, a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump goes untouched.

It is often said that organizations mirror the values of their leadership — so perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised by the hypocrisy of the FBI in the Obama era.

Where are the extensive investigations now into the conduct of Christopher Steele, Sally Yates, Bruce Ohr, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, and other blatantly-biased senior DOJ and FBI officials? Why did the FBI fail to comply with House subpoenas? The American people deserve to know.

Sadly, the Democrat Party will do everything in its power to ensure that the American people never get the full truth.

The Democrats are literally treating the probe as a joke, shamelessly admitting that they have no interest in addressing unanswered questions from prior testimonies. Instead of approaching the hearing seriously, one Democrat reportedly brought a copy of Comey’s book, ironically titled A Higher Loyalty, so that she could get an autograph.

“I’m hoping to get a signed copy to auction off to pay for this wasteful investigation,” Oversight Committee member Raja Krishnamoorthi explained.

The Democrats simply don’t care about the truth. In fact, they’ve already pledged to bury the congressional probe of Comey and the FBI as soon as they officially take control of the House of Representatives in January.

The dirtiest cop in America won’t repair the broken reputation of the FBI by carrying water for the president’s political foes. The American people deserve real answers about those who conspired to undermine President Trump.

Joseph DiGenova served as U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia from 1983 to 1988.




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