Other Democrats took a different approach, arguing that Barr is “biased” because he did not come to the same conclusion they did about whether President Trump obstructed justice — a determination Mueller explicitly punted to Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Sen. Kamala Harris, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, actually suggested that Barr should recuse himself from overseeing the ongoing investigations that grew out of the Mueller probe on the grounds that his interpretation of Mueller’s findings differed from her own.
Barr’s testimony, however, merely confirmed what we already knew: President Trump did not collude with Russia, and there is not sufficient evidence to justify charges of obstructing justice.
Sadly, no witch-hunt is complete without an inquisition, and the only thing the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing lacked in that regard was a torture rack for extracting false confessions. Barr held his ground without skipping a beat because, despite the protests of the Democrats, he’s got truth on his side.
Joseph diGenova was US Attorney for the District of Columbia and an Independent Counsel.