Joseph E. diGenova,
founding partner of the Washington, D.C. law firm of diGenova & Toensing,
LLP represents individuals, corporations and other entities before the
Federal courts, Congress, and U.S. cabinet departments and agencies on
criminal, civil, administrative and investigative matters. In December
1992, he was appointed Independent Counsel in the Clinton Passport File
Search matter. He was appointed Chairman of the Grievance Committee of the
D.C. District Court in 1995 by the judges of that court. In 1997, he was
named Special Counsel by the U.S. House of Representatives to probe the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters. As a result of that assignment, he
was appointed by the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, to
sit on the Independent Review Board, which oversees the Teamsters pursuant
to a 1989 Consent Decree. He is on that Board with former FBI and CIA
Director William Webster and former U.S. Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti.
In 2007, Mr. diGenova was retained by the New York State Senate to
investigate then-Gov. Eliot Spitzer in the Troopergate matter.
His practice emphasizes representation to resolve disputes with various
branches of the Federal government through negotiation, litigation, and/or
legislation. He does white collar criminal defense work for individuals
(such as the former CEO of BCCI) and corporations, conducting internal
investigations as well. He represents individuals and organizations in
Congressional investigations.
For four years, diGenova was United States Attorney, District of Columbia,
which is the largest such office, having more than 400 attorneys. He
supervised complex Federal criminal and civil matters including
international drug smuggling, public corruption, espionage, insider trading,
tax fraud, extradition, fraud, RICO, export control and international
terrorism. Many of these prosecutions involved negotiations with foreign
governments. He conducted a wide-ranging probe of corruption in the D.C.
government, which led to the conviction of two deputy mayors. He led
the prosecution of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. He was the Principal
Assistant U.S. Attorney during the prosecution of attempted Presidential
assassin, John W. Hinckley.
DiGenova has extensive experience on Capitol Hill. He was Chief Counsel and
Staff Director of the Senate Rules Committee and Counsel to the Senate
Judiciary, Governmental Affairs and Select Intelligence Committees. He has
conducted confirmation, investigative, legislative and oversight hearings,
drafted legislation and testified before both Houses of Congress. He also
served as Administrative Assistant and Legislative Director to U.S. Senator
Charles Mathias.
Mr. diGenova has published articles on criminal law, terrorism, and
Congressional oversight and has spoken on those and other issues to various
organizations throughout the United States. As part of his advocacy
approach, he has appeared on Court TV, Lehrer News Hour,
Meet the Press, Face the Nation, Nightline, 60 Minutes,
Crossfire, This Week With David Brinkley, John McLaughlin’s
One On One, Today Show, Good Morning America, and other
national television programs. He received his undergraduate degree from the
University of Cincinnati and his law degree from Georgetown University.
diGenova & Toensing, LLP
Washington, DC